Free Shipping and Delivery Worldwide

We strive to bring our customers high quality products at attractive prices, all while providing excellent customer service. Our products are shipped from our own warehouse in China, which means they are not available at other shops and sellers.
We also include as standard free shipping to 100 countries worldwide. We ship trackable parcels using various shipping companies, for example PostNL, SunYou, Yanwen, Cainiao, and HK Post.

Please notice that we do not have control of custom duties or VAT once your order has been shipped. By purchasing our products, you consent that one or more packages may be shipped to you and that you may need to custom duties and/or VAT when your order arrives in your country.
For several countries, we add taxes when you place your order. On July 1, 2021, the European Union member countries added advance VAT payments for purchases delivered from outside the EU. The percentage is usually between 15% to 24%, while the exact percentage depends on the country. Business customers can request that a purchase is VAT free and handle customs clearance themselves upon arrival.
For United States, State Tax and Sales Tax are added and it is typically around 10%.
Other countries for which we have advance VAT payments are New Zealand (GST-15%), Australia (GST-10%), and Turkey (New Import Tax-50%).
Note, for Norway (MVE-25%) we have stopped using VAT prepay, since customs often add these again upon arrival.
For South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Brazil, Peru, and the Canary- and Balearic Islands (Spain), we do need your ID number. For South Korea, we need your Personal Clearance ID, which is a 12-digit number starting with P. For Turkey, we need your Turkish ID number given by MERNIS, which is 11 digits. For Brazil, we need your CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) number. For Peru, we your RUC number will speed up customs processing. The numbers are not used by us, but are required by the customs in your country. Please send this to us by email or in a chat message.

We are proud to offer free shipping worldwide to more than 100 countries! We may also be able to ship to the countries and territories that we do not list. In case you you are from such a location, you may contact customer support so that we can check separately if shipping is possible and what the additional fee is. This includes some countries in South America, some countries in Africa, and several islands in the Caribbean and the Pacific.
As of July 2024, shipping to Macau and Hong Kong is still unavailable. This means we are, for reasons that are not up to us, unable to ship to these countries right now.
We continue to ship to Ukraine, but some regions may be unavailable.

Shipping time varies by location, while these are our estimates.*
Location | Estimated Shipping Times |
Europe | 7-21 Business days |
United States, Canada | 7-21 Business days |
Australia, New Zealand | 7-21 Business days |
Asia | 7-35 Business days |
Central & South America | 12-35 Business days |
Africa | 12-40 Business days |
* PLEASE NOTE: Our guaranteed delivery time is 75 working days. While the vast majority of all order will be delivered long before the guaranteed delivery time, some parcels will be delayed. (Note that you have 15 days to inform us about a missing order after 75 days. We will then refund you or reship another parcel for free.)
The guarantee is not valid if your order was seized by your local customs because the nutritional supplement you ordered is not permitted in your country. Please ask your customs in advance if a supplement is allowed in your country.

We send out order confirmations by email that contains a tracking number once your order is shipped. Please note that items in the same purchase may be sent in separate packages even if you’ve specified combined shipping. We usually limit the weight of parcels to about 1 kg (35.3oz) and send several parcels when needed.
Orders can be tracked by different providers depending on how it was shipped, such as ParcelApp, 17Track, Post Netherlands, Track24, and Sytrack. Orders to Taiwan are tracked by a separate express delivery. Notice that even if your tracking information is not available on one site, it may still be traceable on another. Send us a chat message if you can’t trace the shipped parcel and we will send you the right link.
Missing your order confirmation or tracking number? Always check your spam folder first. Outlook-Live-Hotmail and Yahoo-AOL email often erroneously filter valid emails as spam. Please use another email address if possible when placing your order.
Please contact us If you have any other questions and we will do our best to help you out!