Premium Serrapeptase Enzyme 600,000 SPU/g (Serratiopeptidase, Serretia) is a protease enzyme that originally was discovered in the digestive tract of silkworms. Today it is usually produced using non-pathogenic enterobacteria. The biocompound has been used as a nutritional supplement in Japan since it was discovered in the late 1960s. Proteolytic enzymes are a subgroup of digestive enzymes that help in the breakdown proteins.
The mild proteolytic action makes serrapeptase powder especially suitable for the preparation of cell cultures, since it is gentle on cell membranes. Overall, the enzyme can remove blockage in the body that impede natural healing ability by dissolving blood clots, arterial plaque, scar tissue and cystic fibrosis and thereby reducing inflammation and pain.
Research suggests serrapeptase enzyme 600,000 may have broad-reaching health benefits.
- Anti-Inflammatory Effects. The enzyme is known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. It works by breaking down and reducing inflammation-promoting molecules, such as fibrin and other proteins. This makes serrapeptase a valuable supplement for individuals dealing with conditions characterized by chronic inflammation, including arthritis and sinusitis.
- Cardiovascular Health. Serrapeptase powder may have cardiovascular benefits by breaking down fibrin, reducing plaque build-up, and supporting healthy blood flow. This can be advantageous for individuals at risk of cardiovascular diseases, as it may reduce the formation of arterial plaques and improve circulation. This may aid fertility treatments by opening blocked fallopian tubes.
- Throat, Ear, and Nose Conditions. The proteolytic enzymes ability to reduce inflammation and mucus makes it beneficial for addressing conditions in the ear, nose, and throat. It may be used to support the treatment of conditions like ear infections, rhinitis, and tonsillitis.
- Chronic Pain Conditions. The anti-inflammatory effects of serrapeptase contribute to pain relief. By reducing inflammation, serrapeptase may improve the quality of life by alleviating the persistent pain associated with various conditions, including joint pain, back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, muscle pain, fibromyalgia, and postoperative pain.
- Improved Respiratory Health. Due to its ability to reduce mucus and inflammation, serrapeptase enzyme may support overall respiratory health. It may be helpful for individuals dealing with conditions like asthma, bronchitis, or sinusitis.
- Wound Healing. Serratia may promote faster wound healing by reducing inflammation and supporting tissue repair. Some studies suggest its potential in postoperative recovery and injury healing.
- Mucus and Phlegm Reduction. The supplement has mucolytic properties, meaning it can help break down and thin mucus and phlegm. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or sinus congestion.
- Edema Reduction. Edema, or swelling caused by fluid retention, can be addressed by serratiopeptidase. Its anti-inflammatory properties contribute to reducing fluid accumulation in tissues, making it relevant for conditions involving edema.
- Sinusitis Relief. Premium serrapeptase enzyme has been studied for its efficacy in relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. It may help reduce nasal congestion, improve drainage, and alleviate facial pain associated with sinus infections.
- Fibrocystic Breast Disease Support. Some studies suggest that serrapeptase may be effective in reducing symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease. It may help break down cystic tissue and alleviate associated pain and discomfort.
Suggested use
The suggested dose is 200 mg – 400 mg daily, which can be divided into 2 equal doses and taken an hour before food. This corresponds to 1/2 – 1 scoop daily.
Premium Serrapeptase Enzyme 600,000 SPU/gram. Made using enterobacteriaceae. Freeze-dried.

A few products with certain similarities are Pineapple Bromelain, Serrapeptase, Nattokinase, Alpha Lipoic Acid/ALA, Medium-Chain Triglyceride / MCT, Berberine, Matcha Tea, Green Tea Extract, Chlorogenic Acid, Hydrolyzed Collagen, ALCAR, Glucomannan / Konjac Root, Psyllium, Garcinia Cambogia, Inulin, and Andrographis.
The various effects are not guaranteed and results may vary due to several factors between different people.
We strive to ensure the accuracy of the information provided by the manufacturers and recommend that you read all labels and warnings. However, the information is not a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
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